Spirited Dialogue: Interfaith Round-Table on Africa

Africare believes in the power of religious communities to affect change. Congregations across the United States, especially African-American-led churches, provided crucial support to Africare in the early years after our founding, and support from faith-based organizations has helped sustain Africare’s operations to this day.

On Saturday, September 27, Africare House in Washington, D.C. served as the venue for the Interfaith Round-Table on Africa. Under the auspices of Rev. Dr. Johnathan Weaver, Pastor of Greater Mt. Nebo A.M.E. Church and Chairperson of the Pan African Collective (PAC), the Round-Table fostered dialogue on matters of faith for all people of African descent and on how faith organizations can work together to improve the quality of life for African people.

Fifteen faith community leaders attended for spirited dialogue and discussion. Africare President Darius Mans participated in the event’s panel discussion, and all attendees made great strides in developing a commitment to supporting each other’s organizations.
