For more than four decades, Africare has enjoyed robust support from individual volunteers who commit themselves, their time, and their personal and professional resources to helping improve the lives of men, women and children across the continent. These very special individuals – people like you, are the lifeblood of Africare. Your efforts on our behalf facilitate the critical work we do every day in countries across Africa.
We appreciate you and the initiatives you undertake to help give life to our programs. We are always eager to help volunteers achieve their fundraising goals because we believe together, we can do more. Together we can bring about positive change. Together, we are stronger.
“Africare Champions” can campaign online and in their communities.
These pages should answer most of the questions you may have, but we realize that occasionally, speaking to someone over the phone or via email is preferable.
Key info online

Barbara Meier schreibt seit vielen Jahren für die NPAlliance Ratgeber und Testberichte. Dabei legt sie großen Wert auf die Ausführlichkeit sowie Richtigkeit ihrer Artikel. Sie zählt zu den wenigen Experten in ihrem Gebiet und hat sich über die letzten Jahren einen Namen in der Gesundheitsbranche gemacht.