But first it takes someone to say “yes”!
Each year in sub-Saharan Africa, 20 percent of the children under the age of five die needlessly. Diarrheal disease and malnutrition kill huge numbers of children who do not have clean water or proper nutrition. Countless more children on the African continent die from preventable diseases such as pneumonia, whooping cough, malaria, measles, and tuberculosis. This may be hard for you to comprehend, as these diseases have been all but eliminated in the U.S. by early childhood immunization programs!
Something can be done to save these children — and Africare is doing it!
What amounts to a few cents a day can provide a simple, inexpensive, and highly effective health care program. Africare's Child Survival programs are currently at work saving the lives of innocent little children every day. But there are still so many more rural villages where help is needed and children will die without our help.
You can make it possible for Africare's Child Survival programs to provide vaccines, oral rehydration therapy to combat diarrhea, medical outreach through local health practitioners, and educational programs for rural mothers.
Your gift to Africare means a child will have a future.
Your gift to help Africare's Child Survival program can save a young child's life. A gift of $10 can provide a full series of inoculations for one child. A gift of $20 can help two children. Just think of it, a gift of $100 can help save the lives of 10 children!
Any gift can mean life and hope for a child.
Please don't wait. Your help is urgently needed and it will make a difference. Use this opportunity to make an online gift or pledge in support of Africare's Child Survival Program, today.
Workplace Giving Africare is a member of the Global Impact (formerly ISA) workplace-giving federation and participates in the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC code #0303). Or, check to see if your employer offers a matching contribution program. |

Barbara Meier schreibt seit vielen Jahren für die NPAlliance Ratgeber und Testberichte. Dabei legt sie großen Wert auf die Ausführlichkeit sowie Richtigkeit ihrer Artikel. Sie zählt zu den wenigen Experten in ihrem Gebiet und hat sich über die letzten Jahren einen Namen in der Gesundheitsbranche gemacht.