Helpful Links

News *
News * CNN – Africa
News * BBC News – Africa
News * Inter Press Service – Africa
News *
Business News * “Africa Business Daily”
For Scholars * “African Studies Quarterly”: An interdisciplinary, electronic publication of scholarly writings concerning Africa.
For Scholars * “ Inc.”: Information on Africa and the African Diaspora.
For Businesses * Corporate Council on Africa: A nonprofit, nonpartisan organization of U.S.-based corporations and individuals committed to developing the African private sector and strengthening the commercial relationship between the United States and the countries of Africa.
Country Info * U.S. State Department “Background Notes”: Extensive background Information on climate, culture, government, current political situations, and more.
Country Info * “The World Factbook”: Extensive background and statistical Information on countries worldwide. A U.S. Government publication.
Development Info * “Human Development Report”: The major human development indicators provided in charts online. A publication of the United Nations Development Programme.
HIV/AIDS * Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS): Comprehensive Information about the HIV/AIDS pandemic, including background, news and current facts.
Internet Resources * Africa South of the Sahara: Hundreds of links to all kinds of Internet resources having to do with Africa. Compiled by the African Studies Association's Information and Communication Technology Group.
Africare Partner * African Well Fund: A group that raises funds to build wells in Africa.