As a specialist in Africa, Africare works in all the major regions of the continent and addresses the full range of basic development challenges facing the African people. Learn more by reading country-by-country profiles of our work. Or get an overview by type of assistance, as listed below.
AIDS is now the leading cause of death in Africa. Africare’s response began in 1987, just a few years after Africa’s first cases of HIV/AIDS were identified. Learn more >>
In Sub-Saharan Africa, life expectancy is just 46 years ― and one of every six babies born alive dies before his or her fifth birthday. Millions of rural Africans now have longer, healthier lives thanks to Africare’s help. Learn more >>
Food Security
For many, complex reasons, Africa is the most malnourished continent on earth. Africare’s agricultural work addresses those complexities, helping communities Africa-wide to become food-secure. Learn more >>
Water is a top priority in almost every African country. Safe water for drinking. Local village wells to meet daily household needs. Irrigation systems to water farm fields even when the rains don’t come. Water is a top Africare priority, too. Learn more >>
About 80 percent of Africa’s people live in the rural areas and depend directly for their survival on the natural environment. Yet Africa’s environment is at risk. Africare works with rural communities to balance the needs of both nature and humankind. Learn more >>
Enterprise development ― especially small, or “micro,” enterprises by and for the poorest of the rural poor ― is viewed as one of the best ways to lift all of Africa out of poverty. Africare has long prioritized rural economic self-reliance. Learn more >>
Civil-Society Development & Governance
Africare is committed to supporting African self-development; and self-development, in turn, depends upon an enabling environment characterized by peace, good governance and a thriving civil society. Learn more >>
Emergency Response
Since our founding, Africare has worked on the front lines of nearly every crisis in Africa ― providing emergency food, medical care, shelter and other humanitarian aid. Learn more >>
Women form the backbone of Africa’s informal economy; yet in Africa, as in most of the rest of the world, they have far less access than men to education, credit and other means of advancement. Africare addresses gender issues in most of its work. Learn more >>
Orphans & Vulnerable Children
Africa today has 80 percent of the world’s AIDS orphans. Poverty and civil unrest have created millions more children who are considered vulnerable to forces beyond their years. In countries all over Africa, Africare helps the children ― with shelter, schooling, psychosocial support and more. Learn more >>

Barbara Meier schreibt seit vielen Jahren für die NPAlliance Ratgeber und Testberichte. Dabei legt sie großen Wert auf die Ausführlichkeit sowie Richtigkeit ihrer Artikel. Sie zählt zu den wenigen Experten in ihrem Gebiet und hat sich über die letzten Jahren einen Namen in der Gesundheitsbranche gemacht.