Chief, External Affairs and Partnerships
As Chief of External Affairs and Partnerships, Evelyn Boyd Simmons leads Africare’s initiatives to develop, maintain and leverage relationships with key stakeholders such as governments, international associations, academia, industry and non-governmental organizations. She is also Acting Chief Development Officer.
Ms. Simmons has spent most of her career improving outcomes by focusing on the intersection of the public, private and non-profit sectors. She comes to Africare from global pharmaceutical company Pfizer, where she served as Director of International Affairs. Previously, she was Director of International Trade Policy for Europe, Middle East and Africa at Motorola. Her responsibilities involved developing advocacy and market access strategies and brokering partnerships with international nonprofit organizations.
Ms. Simmons began her career in Dakar, Senegal as a volunteer Project Manager with Africare. She returned to Washington to work in the U.S. Senate on foreign policy issues before moving to the U.S. Department of State to serve as Executive Director of the U.S. Delegation to the first global conference on telecommunications development in Africa.
A committed civic leader, Ms. Simmons is President of the Logan Circle Community Association. She has been an active community advocate on local school issues and she was appointed to advisory committees on education matters in two D.C. mayoral administrations.
Ms. Simmons is a graduate of the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Washington, D.C. She is a certified Partnership Broker with The Partnering Initiative, a project of London-based International Business Leaders Forum and a certified Parent Leadership Training Institute Facilitator. She is an alum of the International Career Advancement Program at Aspen Institute and a 2017-2018 International Women’s Forum Leadership Foundation Fellow.

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