Support these four organizations to help fight Ebola
In the face of the worst Ebola virus outbreak on record, the international community has rallied around critical efforts to stop the virus’ spread and care for those affected.
Entrevista a Edna Van Goor, directora nacional da Africare
Organização não-governamental norte-americana está em Angola desde 1990 e desenvolve actualmente um projecto de formação de quadros no Soyo.
Ebola Cases Mix With Malaria Amid ‘Slow-Motion Disaster’
As the death toll rises in West Africa amid the worst Ebola outbreak on record, a separate threat is compounding the problem: the rainy season and the malaria that comes with it.
FOR AFRICARE, SAVING LIVES AT BIRTH MEANS BRINGING INNOVATION AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS TO ZAMBIA AND SENEGAL — Pregnancy and childbirth in Zambia continue to be risky, leading to death and disability for some women of childbearing age. Africare, a non-profit organization committed to improving the lives of people in Africa, will present solutions to maternal and infant mortality in Zambia and Senegal at the 2014 Saving Lives at Birth: A Grand Challenge for Development Conference from July 30 until August 1, 2014, at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C.
Zaire: Petrolífera disponibiliza USD 60 mil para formação profissional — Na ocasião, a petrolífera GE, em parceria com a ONG Africare, entregaram o primeiro lote do donativo, composto por 11 computadores, equipamentos de soldadura e manuais para sustentar os cursos de mecânica industrial, electricidade, informática, soldadura e pintura, ministrados no referido centro de formação.
Africare, Dimagi Project Selected as a Saving Lives at Birth Finalist — On Wednesday July 30, 2014, Africare will propose an integrated package of life-saving maternal and newborn interventions to increase demand for and access to high-quality health services in Zambia at the DevelopmentXchange Conference in Washington, D.C. The project, which includes an mHealth component from Dimagi, was one of 52 finalists selected for the 2014 Saving Lives at Birth competition.
Nigeria Has Largest Aids Project in the World – USAID Director — Mission Director, of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Michael Harvey has said that Nigeria has the largest AIDs project of the agency, in the world.
Liberia: AFRICARE Combats Maternal Death in Bong — In an apparent effort to reduce maternal mortality in Bong County, AFRICARE-Liberia has completed the construction of the 7th maternal waiting homes in the County.
Farmers get training centre — A one-stop centre consisting of a warehouse, a training centre, an agriculture input shop, a farmer’s library and a community learning area, has been inaugurated at Atonkor in the Jasikan District of the Volta Region.
Liberia: Yarpea-Mah Calls for More Health Centers — Citizens of Yarpea-Mah Administrative District in District # Three in Duo Tiayee Town have submitted a petition to the Nimba County Health Team and Africare Liberia for additional health facilities in the region.

Barbara Meier schreibt seit vielen Jahren für die NPAlliance Ratgeber und Testberichte. Dabei legt sie großen Wert auf die Ausführlichkeit sowie Richtigkeit ihrer Artikel. Sie zählt zu den wenigen Experten in ihrem Gebiet und hat sich über die letzten Jahren einen Namen in der Gesundheitsbranche gemacht.