“The role of the Deki Reader™ in malaria diagnosis, treatment and reporting: findings from an Africare pilot project in Nigeria.” Adah et al., 2018.
Learn more about these findings by clicking here or to download: https://rdcu.be/RUA7
Africare’s Malaria Prevention Initiative in Nigeria
Africare in Nigeria will convene a stakeholder summit on April 12th in Abuja to release the results of a six-year malaria prevention program in Nigeria that was implemented with the support of ExxonMobil.
“The Africare MAPS-C project has helped advance our goals of working with partners to provide malaria prevention therapies to communities in Nigeria and helping to improve health infrastructure,” said Kevin Murphy, president of ExxonMobil Foundation. “We were proud to support Africare in training health workers in electronic data capture and timely sharing of health information.”
The Malaria Prevention in Mobil Producing Nigeria Supplier Communities (MAPS-C) project ran from 2011 through 2017 and was focused on four local government areas in Akwa Ibom and Rivers States (Eket, Ibeno, Bonny and Ogu/Bolo) reaching over 90,000 people. Beneficiaries included children under five and pregnant women in households within these communities.
Among the top-line results of the evaluation of the MAPS-C project, it was found that:
- The percentage of under-five children who received Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) as a treatment for malaria increased from 21% at the start of the project, to 74% in 2016
- Percentage of persons with suspected malaria that were tested increased from less than 30% at the start of the project, to more than 90% in 2016.
- Overtreatment reduced from 97% in 2015 to 2% in 2017
- Awareness increased from about 30% to over 80% (the target in the National Malaria Elimination Strategy for Nigeria)
For more details and statistics on Africare’s work, click here Africare-2pgr-v3MAPS-C Nigeria Digital
Africare, ExxonMobil and NBA Celebrate Year Two of Power Forward in Nigeria
ExxonMobil, the National Basketball Association (NBA) and Africare will celebrate the second year of the Power Forward pilot program, a youth engagement initiative that uses basketball to develop health literacy and life skills among Nigerian youth, on Tuesday, Sept. 29, 2015 at National Stadium in Abuja.
Africare joins fight against malaria in Akwa Ibom, Rivers, treats 72,520
No fewer than 72,520 persons have benefitted from Africare Malaria Prevention programmes in Akwa Ibom and Rivers states.
[Video] Africare’s Dr. Christopher Mfornyam Discusses Malaria on Africa 54
Great progress has been made in overcoming malaria, but the disease remains a serious threat in sub-Saharan Africa, especially to young children.
The Ilaje battle to deliver pregnant women from malaria deaths
ILAJE Local Government Area of Ondo State, with its headquarters in Igbokoda, is a riverine area. Chevron Plc recently embarked on the “Prevention of Malaria in Pregnancy Project” in the local government.
Liberia: Welcoming the U.S.$6 Million for Counties, But…
The Ministry of Health entered into an agreement with at least three international NGOs and one local NGO for the management of US$6 million to revive routine health services in five counties considered most affected by the Ebola virus.
Malaria deaths down 54% in Africa: WHO
Since 2000, the number of malaria deaths in Africa and worldwide have decreased significantly, according to new data published in the World Malaria Report 2014.

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